2nd Gen Auto Bolt Stop Installation Instructions:
Always following safety protocols by verifying the rifle is completed unloaded with magazine removed. Remove stock (make sure safety button is centered to avoid damaging the stock), trigger assembly via two cross pins, and replace the bolt with the Power Match Bolt completed by reinserting the bolt stop pin. You are now ready to install the 2nd Gen Auto Bolt Stop into the trigger housing.
Step 1
The factory Bolt Lock (left), Ejector (top right), Ejector Pin (middle right), and Bolt Lock Spring (bottom right) are all removed from the trigger assembly. To remove the Bolt Lock and Bolt Lock Spring, the Hammer will also need to be removed. Reinstall the Hammer properly engaged with the Hammer Strut and Spring after the Bolt Lock and Bolt Lock Spring have been removed.

Step 2
With the magazine latch pin moved slightly to the right, insert the CST 2nd Gen Auto Bolt Stop into the trigger assembly from the top. The lengthened Ejector/Lever will slip into the trigger assembly’s ejector slot. Take care that the Auto Bolt Stop torsion spring stays along the left side wall of the trigger assembly on the way down.

Step 3
Insert the magazine latch pin into the provided cross-hole of the Auto Bolt Stop. Check that the bottom leg of the Auto Bolt Stop torsion spring is sitting on the correct surface inside the trigger assembly and not in the safety channel just below (see pic). Auto Bolt Stop should rotate freely with no binding in the ejector slot .

Step 4
With the CST 2nd Gen Auto Bolt Stop correctly installed in the trigger assembly, the trigger assembly can now be reassembled to the receiver and the stock added to complete the rile reassembly.